Non-Traditional Day Activities (NTDA)
Now offering individualized, person-centered activities available days, nights, and weekends to in a 1:1 or small group setting.
What We Do
We offer activities in the community for people who have higher support needs in a 1:1 or small group setting. This service is offered to adults on the SLS or DD waiver with a SIS level of 5 or higher or people in Tier 3 Services (see FAQs to learn more about levels of service).
In addition to providing Supported Community Connections (SCC), we also offer Mentorship services to a wide variety of people on the SLS Waiver. Our Mentorship program was developed to help people with varying abilities navigate the social framework of accessing the community along with skills to lead a successful and meaningful, independent life
Our NTDA Services
Supported Community Connections (SCC) that include but are not limited to:

Who We Are
Our dedicated staff receive the same Direct Support Professional training that our traditional day activities staff receive but have the flexibility to tailor service times and days to that of each person served in NTDA.
. Interested in joining our team as an Individualized Services Facilitator? View our careers page.