Residential Services
Our Residential Department delivers a Person-Centered approach to providing services. We offer a variety of living options with supervision and independence levels tailored to each person’s strengths and support needs. As a part of a holistic approach, the Residential Department encourages involvement with family and friends. We are committed to addressing the total needs of each person in a typical home environment.
What We Do
We provide residential options to adults on the DD Waiver in a variety of settings.

Host Homes
Interested in becoming a Host Home Provider?

Family Caregiver

PCA Homes

Who We Are
All our Host Home Providers, Family Caregivers, and Direct Support Professional staff are provided with comprehensive and Person-Centered training prior to working with any of the people we serve.
Interested in joining our team as a Direct Support Professional, Family Caregiver or Host Home Provider? View our careers page.